Winona’s Breakfast Blend


Winona’s Breakfast Blend


Winona’s Breakfast Blend celebrates the strength of our resistance in this millennium. This is to wake up in love each morning. A light Vienna roast perfect for cappuccino flavor   A Blend of Central, African and Indonesian coffees, those are some of the most aromatic and romantic coffees in the world, smokey, exotic chocolate and beautiful.  

Winona LaDuke; former Vice Presidential candidate; grandmother, mother, and activist has taken up the struggles of the Indigenous Communities not only here at home, but around the world. From Tribal Food Security issues and the fight against genetically modified foods, to tirelessly working to push the world from a petroleum based economy towards one that is sustainable and green, Winona has raised her voice in a call for justice. At the age of 18 she presented in front of the United Nations and hasn't stopped since. She has founded Honor the Earth; an organization which works to promote environmental and social justice and the White Earth Land Recovery Project; which builds a healthier community for her people on the White Earth Anishinabeg Reservation in Northern Minnesota.

As the new millenia unfolds and we head into the new green economy, it is because of people like Winona LaDuke that the world can rest knowing that the fight is still being taken to the bad guys of the world by the women of the world Winona LaDuke, who said “ I would like to see as many people be patriotic to the land as to a flag.”

Our Packaging is BIOTRE™ paper

We have been moving to help preserve Mother Earth and our water using the Biotre™ paper products for our packaging. 1.0: 6.0% compostable/60% renewable, not including the valve. 2.0:  60% compostable / All renewable film layers and degassing valve body.

Make sure to check with your local state, and municipality laws for compost.

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